No-fail extractor operates with long-lasting coil springs for increased service life; provides enhanced, reliable performance for self-defense and competitor shooters. Machined from super strong, alloy steel; specially hardened and heat treated to last indefinitly. Installs easily in Series 70 1911 Autos without slide modifications.
Molle a Spirale Doppie per Eliminare i Problemi di Estrattore
L'estrattore infallibile opera con molle a spirale di lunga durata per una maggiore vita utile; offre prestazioni affidabili e migliorate per i tiratori di difesa personale e per i concorrenti. Macchinato in acciaio legato super resistente; appositamente indurito e trattato termicamente per durare indefinitamente. Si installa facilmente negli Autos 1911 Serie 70 senza modifiche alla slitta.
Top takeaways
Estrattore infallibile con molle a spirale di lunga durata, ideale per tiratori difensivi e competitivi.
Realizzato in acciaio legato super resistente, trattato termicamente per una durata indefinita.
Compatibile con 1911 Autos Serie 70, facile da installare senza modifiche alla culatta.
Calibro:38 Super (.355-.356)
Tipo di arma:1911
Peso della spedizione:0,018kg
Altezza di spedizione:8mm
Larghezza di spedizione:102mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:128mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (7)
4,4 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Worked on a 22 TCM 08/09/2015
So the Rock Island 22 TCM can be a problematic cartridge. I was starting to have a myriad of FTE's. I read about this and as a last resort thought I'd try it. The 22 TCM is not based on the 9mm but on the 5.56 case head size. So it's a bit smaller. The extractor didn't hold the TCM case as tightly as a 9mm. It didn't matter. It still worked and worked well. For the first time I ran a box of ammo though the pistol with no malfunctions.
It's a bit fiddley to install, more so that a regular extractor but after playing with it a bit I managed to it in...I'm very happy with it. $89.00 is stiff but it does work.
Assolutamente raccomandato
gun fixed 28/06/2015
Wife favorite gun love to shoot it, 1911 38 super, has has extraction problems right out of the box. Many tunings, no progress Then I bought a high dollar extractor and had the areas "best gunsmith" install and tune it. 70 rounds OK and then problems again with jams and stovepipes again.
Bought one of these extractors installed it myself and she just put "problem free" round number 500 through it today. Problem solved and we are both very pleased with the product.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Worth Every Penny. 15/03/2014
My STI Ranger II had failure to extract causing a double feed 5/10 times with reloaded ammunition and about once or twice per mag with factory ammunition. I ordered one of these guys and dropped it in. It fix all of my FTE. I have since ran about 500 rounds through her and i have ZERO issues. For 9mm it's a bit tougher to install an extractor. This product DOES REQUIRE FITTING. you might have to make modifications to your firing pin stop. Mine also sticks out a bit at the back that i will have to file or stone to make it fit flush. I can live with it sticking out a bit so long as my gun guns 100%. This product also requires a breaking in period. It comes with 2 springs and of which i only installed one until the spring softened a little. It is a lot beefier then the stock extractor.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Absolutely the best 14/11/2013
This is the most reliable extractor that ever was. I wish I had invented it since I am now about to buy my 5th one in about 15 years! No they didn't wear out I'm just putting one on my newest competetion toy. I have NEVER had a failed extraction in 15,000 to 20,000 rounds. I have tried ALL of the others. Watch out for all of the catch phrases like " tough, bullet proof, hard core etc. they talk the talk". Take the time to fit it to the firing pin stop since there are many different sizes. Thickness etc.
Non raccomandato
Very Disappointed 27/05/2013
I read good things about this extractor and gave it a try. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to function properly. The instructions talk about fitting a firing pin stop to allow the extractor's slot to pivot around the firing pin stop. After much filing, I've been unable to fit the firing pin stop enough to allow the extractor to exert enough tension on a casing.
Perhaps this company needs to provide its own firing pin stop in the kit.
It'll sit in my spare parts box until I give it away along with a scrapped $20 firing pin stop.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Best Extractor Period 15/06/2012
There isn't a thing to complain about this extractor other than losing the springs when you clean your gun. A little fitting at the firing pin stop and a little shaping (if at all) is all you need to get this extractor running great. The extra cost is actually cheaper in the long run when just having to change the springs and cap compared to changing the entire extractor, fitting, and tuning. I have put well over 5000 rounds on this extractor with no problems at all, and change out the springs and cap just for a yearly tune up. Springs come out still with good spring pressure and the cap isn't beat up at all
Assolutamente raccomandato
Final Answer in Extractors! 24/08/2009
This will end your extractor problems in your 1911. I had a Kimber and I could not get the extractor tuned correctly. I spent the extra and got the Millenium over the traditional designs. It installed easily with only minor fitting. Make sure it floats very freely on the firing pin stop. It cured all extractions problems.
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Scopri l'estrattore 1911 ADVANCED COMPETITION per una prestazione 💪 affidabile e duratura. Facile installazione e compatibile con vari modelli.
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Kit di molle di ricambio per migliorare la funzionalità e ridurre il peso del grilletto su una 1911.
Include 5 molle a spirale Wolff e una molla per grilletto a tre foglie, stile fabbrica.
Contiene una Molla di Ritorno da 16½ lb per munizioni standard di fabbrica, tra altre molle specifiche.
Le molle Wolff per 1911 Auto in .45, .38 Super o 9mm sono affidabili, durature e preferite dai migliori costruttori.
Include una molla aggiuntiva di potenza per il percussore per mantenere l'arresto del percussore e prevenire il flottaggio.
Il tipo A è raccomandato per caricamenti leggeri (Softball) e non deve essere utilizzato con carichi standard (Hardball).
Realizzata con filo di silicio cromato di qualità premium o acciaio ad alto tenore di carbonio, per prestazioni e durabilità ottimali.
Progettata per offrire la migliore combinazione di tensione e pressione, ideale per lavorazioni di grilletti leggeri di qualità da competizione.
Adatta per modelli 1911 Government, Commander e Officers, garantita per prestazioni uniformi e una corsa corretta.
Caricatori di alta qualità in acciaio inox, adatti per pistole 1911 modelli Government e Commander, con capacità di 10 colpi.
Disponibili con follower in acciaio rotondo o piatto, progettati per garantire un'alimentazione positiva dell'ultimo colpo, inclusi i wadcutters.
Placca in acciaio rimovibile per una facile pulizia interna del caricatore e compatibilità con Bumper Pads.
La molla è più leggera della molla di fabbrica da 17 libbre, offrendo un armamento più morbido e facile.
Disponibile singolarmente nei pesi di 14-15 libbre o in un Pak con molle da 14, 15 e 16 libbre ciascuna per trovare il peso ottimale.
Adatto ai modelli a telaio piccolo New Vaquero e al 50° Anniversario del New Blackhawk con impugnatura XR-3.