Scopri la canna di ricambio RUGER® 10/22® di GREEN MOUNTAIN per una precisione eccezionale! ✨ Disponibile in acciaio inox e profilo Bull.
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Top takeaways
Canne di ricambio per Ruger 10/22®, calibro .22 LR, con lavorazione CNC e rigatura con bottone per precisione di qualità da competizione.
Diametro di .920" e lunghezza di 20", disponibili in acciaio inossidabile 416 con finitura spazzolata.
Camere di cartuccia tagliate secondo la specifica "Bentz" per garantire precisione ed estrazione costanti.
Cartuccia:22 Long Rifle
Conoscenze richieste:
Consumable Commodity:
Finitura:Acciaio inox
Market Tier:
Peso della canna:2.7 lbs
Tipo di applicazione:
Tipo di arma:Ruger
Volata canna:
Peso della spedizione:1,338kg
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.c
Adatto per: Ruger
Cartuccia: 22 Long Rifle
Finitura: Acciaio inox
Lunghezza: 20''
Modello: 10/22
Peso della canna: 2.7 lbs
Profilo: Bull
Rotazione: 1-16
379.9EUR379,90 €
Tutti i prezzi sono comprensivi di Iva e oneri di importazione. Sono esclusi i costi di spedizione che verranno indicati nella procedura d'ordine.
P.IVA C.F. IT02801420981
N. prodotto: 628023116
N. fab.: 901523
727189015235 Nessuna adattamento necessario per una vera precisione di qualità da competizione. Fresato CNC e rigato a bottone; camere tagliate secondo la specifica “Bentz” per una precisione e un'estrazione costante. Diametro di .920", disponibili canne Bull. Lisce o scanalate nel 10/22®, .22 LR.
Prodotto attualmente non ordinabile. Contattaci per prezzo e disponibilità future.
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Prodotto attualmente non ordinabile. Contattaci per prezzo e disponibilità future.
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Prodotto attualmente non ordinabile. Contattaci per prezzo e disponibilità future.
Match Quality Chamber & Rifling For Superb Accuracy
No fitting necessary for true, match-quality accuracy. CNC machined and button rifled; chambers cut to the “Bentz” specification for consistent accuracy and extraction. .920" diameter, Bull barrels available. Plain or Fluted in the 10/22®, .22 LR.
Camera e Rigatura di Qualità da Competizione per una Precisione Superba
Nessuna adattamento necessario per una vera precisione di qualità da competizione. Fresato CNC e rigato a bottone; camere tagliate secondo la specifica “Bentz” per una precisione e un'estrazione costante. Diametro di .920", disponibili canne Bull. Lisce o scanalate nel 10/22®, .22 LR.
È un Contattateci per ordinare
Top takeaways
Canne di ricambio per Ruger 10/22®, calibro .22 LR, con lavorazione CNC e rigatura con bottone per precisione di qualità da competizione.
Diametro di .920" e lunghezza di 20", disponibili in acciaio inossidabile 416 con finitura spazzolata.
Camere di cartuccia tagliate secondo la specifica "Bentz" per garantire precisione ed estrazione costanti.
Cartuccia:22 Long Rifle
Conoscenze richieste:
Consumable Commodity:
Finitura:Acciaio inox
Market Tier:
Peso della canna:2.7 lbs
Tipo di applicazione:
Tipo di arma:Ruger
Volata canna:
Peso della spedizione:1,338kg
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.c
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (12)
4,3 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Excellent Barrel!!! 26/09/2018
I modded my Ruger 10/22 with this barrel, the Hogue over-molded stock for bull barrels, the Volquartsen target hammer, and polished my trigger group contacts. After trying nearly 30 different types of ammo, none of which were match quality, on a spectacular day at the range with no wind, I managed to make a 1 ragged hole 5-shot group at 50 yards using Eley Target (bottom right of right target). My second best group and a very close second was with Aguila high velocity (center of right target). For the price, I am extremely pleased with the results. The only downside is the barrel is heavy, no surprise there, but the groups are so satisfying.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Best product on the market 31/12/2014
Gunsmith, use to build target rifles.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Great barrel 26/07/2013
Excellent barrel, fit great, shoots great, looks great.
Accurate 29/04/2013
I use this barrel for 100 yard plinking and it is very accurate. It also looks great in my Boyd's tacticool stock. I will say that it is fairly heavy and there are lighter options out there. This is one of the more affordable bull barrels you can get for the 10/22. I would recommend that buyers get a v-block with this barrel to prevent barrel sag in the 10/22's receiver. Mine has not sagged, but the heavy weight is concerning to me
Assolutamente raccomandato
Well worth the money. 23/04/2012
I bought the barrel four days ago and put 500 rounds threw it over the weekend. The barrels performance was outstanding. It brought a hole new performance level to my shooting well worth the money!
Assolutamente raccomandato
Dirt cheap accuracy 18/10/2011
Took me all of 5 minutes to install the barrel (Plus half an hour, I guess, to inlet the original stock) Gone from shooting 2" groups at 50yds to ¼" groups
Best improvement I've made, by far!
Assolutamente raccomandato
WOWIE 10/04/2011
Purchased this barrel for retro fit on Ruger 10/22 per reccomendation of group on RimFire central. This barrel is outstanding!!! Shot nickel size groups at 50yds with no problem even my seasoned spotter was amazed. Great value and performance [...] Great job. Look out sage rats!Thx,.22 Lew
G.M 18 09/09/2010
Recently installed Green Mountain 18",1/16, .920 dia., blued,non-fluted on my 10-22. Mounted on Hogue overmold stock. Used Wiegand Combat mount with F/M Optics 6-9/40mm adjustable objective scope, with Weaver Med. Q-D rings. Used Laser boresighter to get close to zero and shot away. Set up holds 3/8" - 10 shot groups @ 50' on a carpet covered bench. Have not shot from bags yet as this was set up in range at shop I work in. Feel it is good value for product. Would recommend to any of my customers wanting to "Step-up" a 10-22. Considered many other barrels before deciding to go with this one.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Review UpDate 09/08/2010
This is the 2nd Fluted BB from GrnMntn I purchased. This barrel needed NO break in time and shot EXTREMELY well. I have a 100 acre ranch in San Diego,Ca. With this barrel and a Volquartsen'ized 10/22, I easily dispatch rabbits at 200 yards plus using CCI Velociters. Note: Other users that have "Extraction" issues. Make sure your "Extractor" is in the middle of the "Cut Out" on the barrel. If not you can have "Issues". Trust me.. I tested this theory out. Also make sure your HEADSPACE/Bolt to barrel/bullet space is set correctly! DONT ASSUME!
Green Mountain BB 17/04/2010
Great for the money! Needed some break in time. had some jam/cycling issues to start. after 100 rounds it worn in and it was PERFECT after that. No issues at all. Outstanding accuracy at 100+ yards. Able to hit rabbits very easy at 100+ yards with Bushnell red dot.
Non raccomandato
does not work well 13/02/2010
I could not grt the barrel to feed reliably or extract reliably
Fantastic Accurat Barrel 21/09/2009
This is a good barrel for the money. Excellent accuracy and fits well into a bull barrel relief stock. I used this to build an extrememly accurate custom 10/22 and got better results than expected. I was a little sceptical at first because of the low cost of this barrel,,but once i started putting rounds down range onto paper, I was very happy with the results. Combine this with a Jard or Volquartzen trigger in a custom stock and you will be happy too.
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Scopri la canna di ricambio RUGER® 10/22® di GREEN MOUNTAIN per una precisione eccezionale! ✨ Disponibile in acciaio inox e profilo Bull.
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