Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A502
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (4)
4 / 5
Raccomandato con riserve
Factory replacement 21/06/2016
This is a Mossberg factory replacement part. I received and inspected it. At the end of the tube where it threads into the receiver the edge was slightly bent (this is a very thin area) and would have interfered with loading and feeding shells. Not wanting ship and wait for a replacement part, I carefully bent it back into place and rounded it out. The finish on the inside looked rough (could have been light rust or left overs from manufacturing) so I took a 0000 steel wool on a 12 gauge bore brush and ran it back and forth until it was smooth and lightly oiled. The outside of the magazine looks great, is a blued metal and solid. Fits perfect on a Maverick 88.
I would recommend inspecting before installation. Also better packaging is needed to protect the thin threads on the tube. Three stars because it works as intended and looks good on the outside, but needed too much done for being factory new.
Raccomandato con riserve
Didn't work reliably 21/06/2016
Not sure how to rate this factory part.
Difficult to fit in magazine tube and would bind when trying to load shells. Ordered the same factory spring from another vendor. Both looked the same and were the same length. The other one worked as designed.
Maybe I received the wrong spring or there was a defect. I would recommend factory parts but test it to make sure it works as designed.
Operatore economico responsabile secondo il regolamento UE
Via Mezzavilla 4
25043 Breno
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Scopri il MOSSBERG 500 Magazine Tube da 5 rds per il tuo Mossberg 500! ✨ Capacità di 6 colpi, ideale per ogni appassionato di tiro.
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Il 1911 Extended Slide Stop di JOHN MASEN facilita l'ingaggio della slitta, ideale per tiratori con mani più piccole.
Disponibile con pad del pollice zigrinato (SR) o zigrinatura fine da 20 lpi (CK), con perno indurito e trattato termicamente.
Realizzato in acciaio con finitura opaca grigia, adatto solo per pistole .45ACP dei modelli 1911 Government, Commander e Officers.
Le guancette Navidrex 1911 sono realizzate in legno duro asiatico con un colore rosso/marrone variabile, ideale per armi blu e in acciaio inossidabile.
Il modello Contoured è progettato per migliorare la presa, soprattutto per chi ha mani più piccole, adattandosi ai telai del modello 1911 Auto.
Spessore approssimativo di ¼" (6,7 mm) e superficie zigrinata, non compatibile con Ambidextrous Safety Cut.
Il martello ha tre teste intercambiabili: ottone, nylon e acciaio.
Il punzone drift in ottone si ripone comodamente nell'impugnatura zigrinata.
Ideale per espellere i perni, con una costruzione robusta e versatile.