Sistema di aggancio leggero e a basso profilo per ricariche ultra-veloci, adatto per AR-15.
Compatibile con Magpul PMAG da 20 e 30 colpi calibro .223/5.56mm, con accoppiamento regolabile in tensione.
Costruito in alluminio anodizzato hardcoat, nero opaco, con bordi smussati per un uso robusto e affidabile.
Tipo di arma:AR-15
Peso della spedizione:0,045kg
Altezza di spedizione:13mm
Larghezza di spedizione:152mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:254mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Adatto per: AR-15
Colore: Nero
39.9EUR39,90 €
Tutti i prezzi sono comprensivi di Iva e oneri di importazione. Sono esclusi i costi di spedizione che verranno indicati nella procedura d'ordine.
P.IVA C.F. IT02801420981
N. prodotto: 100004542
N. fab.: 100041671
853706001099 Sistema di bloccaggio leggero e a profilo ridotto che fissa il caricatore di riserva direttamente a quello nell'arma per ricariche ultra-veloci. Tiene due PMAG da 20 o 30 colpi di Magpul affiancati, con un accoppiamento regolabile in tensione che impedisce al caricatore di riserva di muoversi. Lavorato con precisione da alluminio estruso con ingombro minimo e bordi smussati e lisci che non abrasano la mano. Robusto e affidabile, ideale per uso tattico e di competizione.
Securely Clamps Two PMAGs For Fast Reloads In Combat Or Competition
Lightweight, low-profile clamping system attaches the backup magazine directly to the one in the gun for ultra-fast reloads. Holds two 20- or 30-round Magpul PMAGs side-by-side, with a tension-adjustable coupling that prevents the spare magazine from shifting. Precision-machined from billet aluminum with minimal bulk and smooth, radiused edges that won't abrade the hand. Rugged and reliable enough for tactical and competition use.
Fissa in modo sicuro due PMAG per ricariche rapide in combattimento o competizione
Sistema di bloccaggio leggero e a profilo ridotto che fissa il caricatore di riserva direttamente a quello nell'arma per ricariche ultra-veloci. Tiene due PMAG da 20 o 30 colpi di Magpul affiancati, con un accoppiamento regolabile in tensione che impedisce al caricatore di riserva di muoversi. Lavorato con precisione da alluminio estruso con ingombro minimo e bordi smussati e lisci che non abrasano la mano. Robusto e affidabile, ideale per uso tattico e di competizione.
Top takeaways
Sistema di aggancio leggero e a basso profilo per ricariche ultra-veloci, adatto per AR-15.
Compatibile con Magpul PMAG da 20 e 30 colpi calibro .223/5.56mm, con accoppiamento regolabile in tensione.
Costruito in alluminio anodizzato hardcoat, nero opaco, con bordi smussati per un uso robusto e affidabile.
Tipo di arma:AR-15
Peso della spedizione:0,045kg
Altezza di spedizione:13mm
Larghezza di spedizione:152mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:254mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Classificazione per l'export dagli US: 0A501.x
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (11)
4,9 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
dont recomend reading this 25/07/2018
coupled 2 mags togeather .one s &w 15/22 (lr) and one p-mag 30 to get the look of a 556 on the 22 lr (from one side olny)
-had 2 grind some alluminimun away as the s&w 22lr mags are fatter at the front than the p-mag,,much like the classic steel mags
-you can order 2 as use the 2 back pieces (plus one nut from RONA)to coulple 2 steel or 2 s&w 22lr mags
best looking and most versatile
Well Made. Secure. Not for 20s 14/07/2015
This product securely couples two 30rd Pmags. Its well made. Solid. It will couple two 20 round curved Pmags but when changing to the second mag the first will hit the ejection port cover. You can't off set them enough since they are short. Works great for two 30 round Pmags. Will couple a 20rd with a 30rd so you still get the benefit of a shorter 20rd mag for prone shooting, until you switch over to the 30rd that is.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Best mag coupler made 15/06/2013
If you're running Pmags this is the best mag holder I've tried. Holds Pmags solidly together without bulk and won't loosen over time.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Lives up to it's Rep. 10/02/2013
works great,not big or bulky.
Assolutamente raccomandato
A Must Have 24/05/2012
So simple, but very effective. It holds two 30-rd PMAGS with zero problems. The mag holder has been put through some rough training sessions and there has been no give in its sturdiness. It's rock solid. I am a left-handed shooter using right-handed weapons. Prior to having the mag holder, doing a tactical mag exchange was very difficult if not impossible under stress. Now that I have this attached to my mags, I can do a tactical mag exchange with ease and with extreme speed. I've seen other PMAG holders which just did not appeal to me due to poor construction. This had good reviews so I took the plunge. I should have purchased this sooner.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Would never use any other mag coupler 16/02/2012
This is a very well made product. It has a slim un-obtrusive design which is awesome. This thing was made exactly for the dimensions of the PMag, fits like a perfectly CNC machined glove! There is no wobble at all and holds the two mags very tight. I was somewhat reluctant to try it because of the price tag but it was money well spent.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Works like a champ! 06/10/2011
This is the only mag coupler I'll ever try for my PMAGS. Holds 'em tight, doesn't loosen under sustained fire and also doesn't mar or damage mags. Very well-made from aluminum and built to last forever. Added bonus? They just look cool compared to other products out there. Thanks again Brownells!!!
Assolutamente raccomandato
Quality, functional device. 08/09/2011
I use this item for my competition rifle, and my patrol rifle. Despite the simple design, the coupler works very well. It is light-weigh, unobtrusive, and holds the mags securely due to aluminum construction. Installation is relatively simple, too, although you do need to wiggle the mags a bit while tightening the coupler in order to make sure that they seat all of the way.
If you are one of those who is concerned with keeping your gear looking factory new, note that these will pick up dings if you drop them on rocks or concrete.
Assolutamente raccomandato
A solid, well-made unit 01/09/2011
I have been using magazine couplers for only a few months now after decades of shooting and this is the second type I tried. Having 60 rounds of ammunition available in one unit can be a definite advantage to the competitor, law enforcement officer, or for defensive purposes.
I was concerned about the narrow contact area of the Mercob unit, but because of the precise fit of the clamps to the magazines, it produces a very solid, sturdy combination.
The advantages of the Mercob device over the other coupler I reviewed here are that it can be attached at any point on the mags, including far enough down to carry with one mag inside a pocket and one out; the magazines can be staggered as desired, and although I don't recommend it, they can even be positioned with one up and the other down; the base plates are accessible for easy removal; the clamp adds very little bulk or weight; and the overall width of the combination is only slightly greater than two mags side by side. (The only disadvantage to the narrow configuration is that a LULA magazine loader can be used with only one magazine, but that is a minor inconvenience.)
I will be buying more Mercob couplers in the future.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Exactly what you need it to be 20/07/2011
Use this for recreational shooting. It's easy to use and keeps a secure hold. Not to mention it looks a lot prettier than most other couplers out there.
Assolutamente raccomandato
PMAG MAG GRIP 17/04/2010
This product is by far the best on the market. I know I have used it in theater and also back here at home. It works!
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Scopri il MAGAZINE COUPLER per AR-15/M16! 🚀 Ricariche ultra-veloci e design robusto per un uso tattico e competitivo.
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